A downloadable game

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Load the boats as they pass. Drop a crate in the water and lose a hearth.


  • 🎣 move crane left and right
  • Ⓐ  move crane up and down

Let me know think about the game. What do you like? What can be better?

Updated 20 days ago


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boatload.pdx.zip 40 kB

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For some reason this game shows up as Planetfall when side loaded

That is strange. I have nothing to do with any Planetfall game. Is it the name that is showing or the game card image?

(1 edit)

Both actually,

it looks like you left the placeholder “com.organization.package” as your bundle ID,  so yours overwrote planetfall's metadata on the sideload page and showed up as an update replacing the other game. I think thats whats happening.

Thanks for finding that. I will upload a fixed version soon. The game was submitted as part of a game jam and voting is still in progress.

No problem! Glad to help.

Great game, I like the controls and gameplay loop, maybe you could add some physics to the boxes so you have to balance them on the boats? just a thought!

I am glad you liked the controls and gameplay loop. Thanks for the suggestion. Adding some physics is a great idea.